alahai baru teringat nak wat entry nih.
walaupun dah masuk tahun 2011.
tapi, malaysia tetap juara 2010 yo.
Irfan : "Kami mengalahkan Msia 2 kali!!Hal itu ternyata tak cukup utk memenangkan piala ini.Namun, kami adlh yg terbaik dlm turnamen secara keseluruhan!& suporter kami adlh yg terbaik di dunia" lanjut Irfan.
:: pic irfan bachdim. kredit to google ::
dimulakan dengan statement mamat nih.
hehehe takmo ngaku gak tu

tapi takperla, kasi can la kan.
bukan luak pun dia kata sedemikian.
kita kan humble. accept jerla

ok lupakan pasal mamat nih.
pertama-tama nak ucap tahniah sama khairul fahmi.
yes. our goalkeeper yg tengah melethop bom bom pau neh.
tak pepasal entry
NI kebaboom pasal dia.
ramai search nama KHAIRUL FAHMI.
semua pun dah angau sama ini goalkeeper.
moment² manis masa dia rescue bola penalty tu.
ishk, mmg terhaibatttlah.
so, yg penting malaysia juara menewaskan indonesia
dengan agg - 4-2.
alang-alang dah boh statement si irfan,
moh ler kaktin boh sekali balasan dari one of my
friend a big fan of malaysian team di fb.....zasssssss
Indones*al Media: Indonesia memang hanya kalah sekali selama Piala AFF 2010 berlangsung dan dua kali mengalahkan Malaysia. Pada babak penyisihan, Indonesia bahkan membantai 5-1. Begitu pula dalam laga final kedua tadi malam dengan skor 2-1. Namun, sayang, kemenangan tersebut gagal mengantarkan Indonesia sebagai juara Piala AFF 2010 karena kalah skor agregat 2-4 dari Malaysia" lanjut Irfan.
My comment : Of coz Indones*al is the best! 'The Best Jaguh Kampung' for the tournament PERIOD!
Yo listen here Mat Tattoo! In any competition, the end result is wht matters most, not how many freaking times u beat the winner but still got the 2nd runner up spot. Is this wht they teach u in TIMNAS? no wonder u didn't score any goal during the 2 final leg against Malaysia. You should learn to emulate wht our young heroes and our coach KingGopal did during the tournament. Below are the key factor to their success:-
1) They admit their 5-1 defeat to ur Timnas in the 1st group stage game and agree they played badly
2) They showed remarkable resilience after the horrible 5-1 defeat
3) They do not use the "Laser" interruption as an excuse to stop the game
4) They are mentally strong and well prepared to overcome ur ill fanatic fans holding despicable banner downgrading their coach and their ability to win the cup before the leg-2 final at Jakarta. Nonetheless, they went into the stadium with TANKS!??? have u heard any football team in the world entering the stadium in tanks before? ROFL...
Last but not least, this is what we Malaysians are proud of!:-